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Autism, and how to help with Daylight Savings!

How time changes can impact individuals with autism. It is true that many people with autism find comfort in routines so when their schedules are disrupted by events like daylight saving time changes it can pose challenges for them. These disruptions can affect their sense of security and overall well being in ways.

1. Misalignment of schedules; The shifts in time can also disrupt their routines. For instance when daylight saving time begins it may suddenly become darker earlier in the evening, which can impact their evening activities and routines. Similarly during the fall when we "fall back " the earlier darkness may also disrupt their evening routines.

3. Sleep disturbances; Sleep plays a role for everyone. Disruptions to sleep patterns can be especially challenging for individuals with autism. The changes in daylight and altered schedules can lead to difficulties falling asleep or waking up at their times.

Lack of sleep can have an impact, on peoples stress levels and overall well being. To support individuals with autism during periods of change it's crucial to be proactive and take the steps;

1. Make adjustments; If possible slowly modify their routines leading up to the time change to minimize sudden disruptions.

2. Stick to routines; Try to maintain consistency as possible in their usual activities even if the timing needs to be adjusted slightly.

3. Use aids; Visual schedules or timers can help individuals with autism understand and anticipate changes in their routines.

4. Consider factors; Be mindful of how changes in lighting might affect sensory experiences for autistic individuals. Providing accommodations or sensory supports can be beneficial.

5. Effective communication; Clearly. Simply explain the time change using visual aids or social stories if necessary so that they understand why its happening.

6. Monitor and adjust; Continuously assess how well the individual is adapting to the time change and make adjustments as needed.

It's important to remember that every person, with autism is unique so their specific needs and sensitivities may vary.

By following these guidelines and understanding the difficulties they face you can assist in mitigating the effects of time changes, on their schedules and overall health.

More about Amy's Angels Health Care serving South Florida

Come and Meet our Team. If you're looking for ABA therapy services or Diagnostic Evaluations in South Florida, Amy's Angels Health Care is here to help. Our team of highly trained ABA experts provides compassionate care to help navigate the unique challenges of ASD. We have a staff of exceptional licensed mental health professionals who are dedicated to delivering the best possible care.

Don't hesitate to contact us at 786-391-0695 to discuss your loved one's ABA care needs, including diagnostic services. We are ready to support you whenever you're ready.

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